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Hear It From Me

My name is Marina and I am a passionate ultramarathoner, avid traveller, dog mum and startup girl based in Munich.

„How do you have time for so much running ?!“

First of all, it’s all about making time, not having time. Running is part of my everyday routine and helps me to stay fit, happy and balanced.

What else do you do in life? 

I have been (and still am) studying at university (somewhat between business, mathematics, physics and economics). During my studies I tried everything from investment banking and consulting to E-Commerce. I didn’t really like any of it so I started to work as a model which raised my interest into social media.


After wild years of hard study, crazy backpacking trips around the globe, crossing whole countries while running, working as a dive master, discovering oceans and summits – I finally started to settle down. Build a life, grow companies and strong friendships.

I also have a thing for languages and keep picking them up whenever possible – so far I am fluent in German, English and French. I also speak Spanish and I work very hard on my Hebrew, Mandarin and Italian. Arabic will be next.

All about running 

In terms of running, things haven’t really slowed down. Only one thing has never changed – 42.195 will always stay may favorite distance. It’s fun but challenging, it’s long enough to be exhausting, but still short enough to be fun. I stopped counting marathon finish lines – moreover, I seek adventures in running rather than hunting down a certain number.

So far, I finished races all over the planet. I ran in the US, all over Europe, in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. And guess what – it never gets old and literally nothing is impossible with proper training and the right gear. Which is how I ended up doing ultras – go check out my race reports on the following pages.

Craziest thing I have done so far?

I am not sure. My most intense races were Comrades Marathon (90 kilometers in South Africa) and the Khardung La Challenge (72 kilometers in the Himalayas).

Come join me on these adventures! 2019 HERE I AM.

#More about my sports routine

Can you believe I finally had the courage to admit that my life is about running and not having a fancy office life in some big consultancy? I was holding on to that way to long so it’s time for a change. I am working on my personal training, running coach and nutrition coach licenses. I also hit the gym a lot for body weight workouts and really enjoy barre ballet, spinning and hot yoga classes – it’s all about variety! Moreover, I really love all kinds of trekking, hiking and climbing and usually plan those kinds of travels at least twice a year. Latest challenge? I signed up for a half ironman. 

Go follow my adventures and travels. 



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